
Showing posts from October, 2018

What Property Owners Need To Know About How Their Insurance Claims Are Assessed

A claims adjuster is someone who investigates insurance claims to determine whether the claims are legitimate and what compensation should be paid. Often, the adjuster is an agent employed directly by the insurance company that is being asked to pay a claim but, in some circumstances, outside adjusters are contracted to investigate a claim. In those cases, outside adjusters, either independent or public, may be called in. When Are Outside Adjusters Needed? In 2017, Hurricane Harvey hit southeast Texas, causing floods that did record amounts of damage. After the hurricane passed, there were almost 670,000 insurance claims for both personal and commercial property damage made to the private insurance companies that served the area. This catastrophe is an example of the types of situations that call for outside adjusters since no insurance company had sufficient staff to investigate all the claims they received. Another circumstance that might require the services of an independent ins